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\n"); } function sb_showNewsItem($newsid, $newsDir = "", $dbConn = 0) { global $headlineFont; global $dbPref; global $domainName; global $headlineBG; global $showFullName; $newsDir = ($newsDir == "")?"":$newsDir."/"; $newsQuery = "select * from ${dbPref}news n " . "where newsid = $newsid "; $result = sb_dbQuery($newsQuery, $dbConn); print(""); if ($row = sb_dbGetRow($result)) { if (sb_pageCheckPerms("writeable")) { $updateLink = "Update"; } $headline = stripslashes($row['headline']); $text = sb_expandSpecialTags(stripslashes($row['text'])); $email = sb_usermanEmailLink($row['userid'],"RE: ".$row['headline']); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); $postDate = strftime("%a %b %e at %I:%M %p",strtotime($row["postDate"])); print(" "); print(""); print(""); print(" "); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); } print("
\"\""); print("$headline
Posted: $postDate by $email$updateLink
$text"); $updateQuery = "select * from ${dbPref}news n " . "where parentid = ".$row["newsid"]." order by postDate "; $result2 = sb_dbQuery($updateQuery, $dbConn); while ($row2 = sb_dbGetRow($result2)) { $update = sb_expandSpecialTags(stripslashes($row2["text"])); $updatedemail = sb_usermanEmailLink($row2['userid'],"RE: Update to ".$row['headline']); $updateDate = strftime("%a %b %e at %I:%M %p",strtotime($row2["postDate"])); print(" Updated: $updateDate by $updatedemail $update"); } print("
"); } function sb_showNews($limit = 5, $offset = 0, $minpriority = 0, $newsDir = "", $dbConn = 0) { global $headlineFont; global $dbPref; global $domainName; global $headlineBG; global $showFullName; $newsDir = ($newsDir == "")?"":$newsDir."/"; $limitString = (isset($limit)||isset($offset))?"limit $offset,$limit":""; $newsQuery = "select * from ${dbPref}news n " . "where parentid = 0 and priority >= $minpriority " . "order by postDate desc $limitString"; $result = sb_dbQuery($newsQuery, $dbConn); print(""); while ($row = sb_dbGetRow($result)) { if (sb_pageCheckPerms("writeable")) { $updateLink = "Update"; } $headline = stripslashes($row['headline']); $text = sb_expandSpecialTags(stripslashes($row['text'])); $email = sb_usermanEmailLink($row['userid'],"RE: ".$row['headline']); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); $postDate = strftime("%a %b %e at %I:%M %p",strtotime($row["postDate"])); print(" "); print(""); print(""); print(" "); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); } print("
\"\""); print("$headline
Posted: $postDate by $email$updateLink
$text"); $updateQuery = "select * from ${dbPref}news n " . "where parentid = ".$row["newsid"]." order by postDate "; $result2 = sb_dbQuery($updateQuery, $dbConn); while ($row2 = sb_dbGetRow($result2)) { $update = sb_expandSpecialTags(stripslashes($row2["text"])); $updatedemail = sb_usermanEmailLink($row2['userid'],"RE: Update to ".$row['headline']); $updateDate = strftime("%a %b %e at %I:%M %p",strtotime($row2["postDate"])); print(" Updated: $updateDate by $updatedemail $update"); } print("
"); } ?> "; $showjs = 0; } ?> News



climbing's little joke
$url) { if ($url == "") { print("\n \n\n"); } else { print("\n \n\n"); } } } foreach ($commonMenus as $name => $url) { if ($url == "") { print("\n \n\n"); } else { print("\n \n\n"); } } ?>
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